2020, Vol. 1, Issue 1, Part A
Recovery of combustible gases from waste polyethylene via low temperature catalytic pyrolysis
Author(s): Surma N, Ijuo GA and Agbendeh ZM
Abstract: Pyrolysis of three samples of waste polyethylene materials: low density polyethylene (LDPE), Polyethylene terepthalate (PET), and High density polyethylene (HDPE), were carried out by adapting a cylindrical pressure cooking pot of height 30 cm with an internal diameter of 31.5cm as the reactor. The pyrolysis reaction was carried out with the influence Naphtha Hydro-treating Unit (NHU) catalyst. The gases which evolved were collected using Tedlar and analysis was done with the aid of a BUCK 530 Gas Chromatograph. The pyrolysis reaction with fresh NHU catalyst at 150 0C and 250 0C using catalyst/sample ratio of 1: 8 showed aliphatic hydrocarbon in the range of C1 – C9 with total concentrations of gases (ppm) for LDPE, PET and HDPE at temperatures of 150 0C and 250 0C to be 86.3357 and 81.2315, 105.8002 and 258.2227, 97.7848 and 106.2345 respectively. The corresponding values (ppm) were obtained at 150 0C and 250 0C for LDPE, PET and HDPE using catalyst/sample ratio of 1:16 to be 54.2585 and 114.3178, 185.4353 and 91.2021, 53.1022 and 185.6128 respectively. The fuel gases revealed mainly C1 – C9 aliphatic hydrocarbons which can be fractionated into fuel gases, gasoline range gases and organic solvents.
Pages: 36-41 | Views: 1563 | Downloads: 743
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How to cite this article:
Surma N, Ijuo GA, Agbendeh ZM. Recovery of combustible gases from waste polyethylene via low temperature catalytic pyrolysis. J Res Chem 2020;1(1):36-41.